Single Board Computers (SBCs) are becoming much more popular in the digital technology world. That’s mainly due to their affordable prices and how they incorporate all the necessary components of a computer into one board, making them a great fit for embedded systems.
Tony G
Since the first release of Bitcoin in 2009, we have had a steady rise of many other cryptocurrencies in the market. One of these cryptos is the Magi Coin (XMG). Coin Magi (XMG) is an online payment system, enabling instant payments to anyone in the world without using an intermediary.
The Raspberry Pi is one of the most popular small board computers (SBC) we have today. It’s ideal for handling various projects ranging from software development, networking, cybersecurity all the way to simple IoT projects like smart irrigation or even controlling a camera in the wild. The last example is the main reason I wrote this particular article.
Previously, we wrote a post on installing Kodi on a Raspberry Pi, and we particularly installed Kodi on the official Raspberry Pi Operating System. However, Kodi also comes pre-installed in other Raspberry Pi distributions like OSMC, LibreELEC, and XBian.
Previously, we published a post on How to install Ubuntu MATE on Raspberry PI 4. This post will give you a step-by-step guide on How to remove X server from ubuntu mate on raspberry pi. Before diving deeper, let’s first get a clear understanding of what is the X server.