Home Other SBCs The 12 best practices for securing your ODROID-N2+

The 12 best practices for securing your ODROID-N2+

We will cover several key security practices, including updating your system regularly, using strong passwords, setting up a firewall, enabling two-factor authentication, disabling unnecessary services, and using encrypted communication.

by Arun Kumar
securing your odroid n2+

The ODROID-N2+ is a powerful single-board computer (SBC) that is widely used in various applications such as gaming, media centers, and DIY projects. However, like any other computer, the ODROID-N2+ is vulnerable to security threats, and its security must be taken seriously to prevent data loss, system damage, or other security breaches.

In this article, we will discuss some best practices that can help you keep your ODROID-N2+ safe and secure.

We will cover several key security practices, including updating your system regularly, using strong passwords, setting up a firewall, enabling two-factor authentication, disabling unnecessary services, and using encrypted communication. By following these best practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of cyber attacks on your ODROID-N2+ and keep your data and system safe.


Odroid N2+

The 12 best practices for securing your ODROID-N2+

Here are some best practices for securing your ODROID-N2+ and keeping your SBC safe:

1. Keep your system up to date

Keeping your ODROID-N2+ up to date is crucial to its security. Updates include security patches that address known vulnerabilities and other system fixes that improve performance and stability. You can update your ODROID-N2+ using the package manager or by running the following commands in the terminal. Basically these commands keep your N2+ up-to-date in terms of official software updates.

sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Change your password

Changing your password is an important step in securing your ODROID-N2+. The default password for the ODROID-N2+ is well-known, and leaving it unchanged is a security risk. Use a strong, unique password that is difficult to guess and includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable passwords such as your name or birthdate.

To change your password on the ODROID-N2+, you can use the passwd command in the terminal. Simply type passwd and follow the prompts to enter your current password and create a new one.

3. Enable the firewall

To enable the firewall on your ODROID-N2+, you can use the ufw command in the terminal. The UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is a front-end for iptables that provides a simplified interface for configuring firewall rules. To enable UFW, type sudo ufw enable in the terminal. This will enable the firewall and start blocking all incoming traffic except for SSH connections. You can then add rules to allow traffic for specific services or ports, such as HTTP or HTTPS.

For example, to allow incoming HTTP traffic, you can use the command sudo ufw allow http. Similarly, to allow incoming HTTPS traffic, you can use the command sudo ufw allow https. You can also configure UFW to block outgoing traffic by default, except for specific services or ports that you explicitly allow.

4. Disable unnecessary services

Disabling unnecessary services is an important step in securing your ODROID-N2+ because it reduces the attack surface of your system. By default, many Linux distributions come with various services and daemons enabled, which may not be necessary for your use case. These services can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to your system, steal data or launch attacks against other systems.

To disable unnecessary services on your ODROID-N2+, you can use the systemctl command in the terminal. This command is used to manage system services and can be used to start, stop, enable, or disable a service. To list all the services that are currently running, type systemctl list-units --type=service in the terminal. To disable a service, you can use the command systemctl disable servicename. For example, if you don’t need the telnet service on your system, you can disable it using the command systemctl disable telnet.

It is important to note that some services may be necessary for your system to function properly, so it is recommended to research the services and understand their purpose before disabling them. Additionally, it is recommended to keep your system up to date with the latest security patches and updates, as they may include fixes for known vulnerabilities and exploits. By disabling unnecessary services and keeping your system up to date, you can significantly reduce the risk of security threats and ensure the safety of your ODROID-N2+.

5. Use SSH keys instead of passwords

Using SSH keys for authentication is more secure than using passwords. SSH keys are generated on the client side and are used to authenticate the client to the server. This eliminates the need for passwords, which can be easily guessed or cracked. To use SSH keys, generate a key pair using the ssh-keygen command on the client machine and then copy the public key to the ODROID-N2+ using the ssh-copy-id command.

6. Enable two-factor authentication

Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional security measure you can take to protect your ODROID-N2+ from unauthorized access. 2FA requires a user to provide two forms of authentication before gaining access to a system or account. This adds an extra layer of security, making it much more difficult for attackers to gain access to your system even if they have your password.

There are several ways to enable 2FA on your ODROID-N2+, but one of the most popular methods is to use Google Authenticator. Google Authenticator is a free and open-source application that generates one-time codes that can be used as a second form of authentication. To use Google Authenticator on your ODROID-N2+, you will need to install the application on your smartphone or tablet, and then configure it on your ODROID-N2+.

To configure Google Authenticator, you will need to install the libpam-google-authenticator package on your ODROID-N2+. This package provides a PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) that can be used to integrate Google Authenticator with the login process on your ODROID-N2+. To install the package, type sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator in the terminal.

After installing the package, you can configure Google Authenticator by running the google-authenticator command in the terminal. This will generate a QR code that you can scan with the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone or tablet. Once the app is set up, you will be asked to enter a one-time code generated by the app during the login process. This will provide an additional layer of security that an attacker would need to bypass before gaining access to your ODROID-N2+.

7. Back up your data

Regularly backing up your data is essential for ensuring that your important files and data are not lost in the event of a security breach or hardware failure. You can back up your data using various tools such as rsync or scp, or by using cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

8. Monitor your system logs

Monitoring your system logs can help you detect potential security threats or anomalies on your ODROID-N2+. System logs contain information about system events, error messages, and other system activity. You can monitor your system logs using the journalctl command or by using a tool such as Logwatch.

9. Use encryption

Using encryption can protect your data from unauthorized access in the event of theft or physical access to your ODROID-N2+. You can use tools such as LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) or VeraCrypt to encrypt your data or partitions.

10. Use secure connections

Using secure connections such as HTTPS, SSH, or SFTP is important for protecting sensitive information from eavesdropping or man-in-the-middle attacks. If you are running a web server on your ODROID-N2+, you should enable HTTPS using a valid SSL/TLS certificate. You can obtain a free SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt or purchase one from a trusted certificate authority. If you are connecting to your ODROID-N2+ remotely, you should use SSH or SFTP instead of Telnet or FTP, which transmit data in plaintext.

11. Secure your network

Securing your network is essential for protecting your ODROID-N2+ from external attacks. You can secure your network by using a firewall, enabling port forwarding only for necessary services, and using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your network traffic. You can also use a tool such as nmap to scan your network for open ports or other vulnerabilities.

12. Use strong file permissions

Using strong file permissions can prevent unauthorized access to your files and directories. You should set appropriate file permissions for your files and directories using the chmod command. For example, you can set the permission of a file to read and write for the owner and read-only for others using the command chmod 644 file.txt. You can also set the permission of a directory to read, write, and execute for the owner and read and execute for others using the command chmod 755 dir.


Securing your ODROID-N2+ is essential for protecting your data, system, and privacy. By following these best practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of security threats and ensure the safety of your SBC. Remember to keep your system up to date, use strong passwords, enable the firewall, disable unnecessary services, use SSH keys, enable two-factor authentication, back up your data, monitor your system logs, use encryption, use secure connections, secure your network, and use strong file permissions.

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