Home Other SBCs The Ultimate Guide to Odroid N2+ Overclocking

The Ultimate Guide to Odroid N2+ Overclocking

In this article, we'll delve into Odroid N2+ overclocking, discussing the potential performance gains, risks such as overheating and instability, and best practices for safely attempting this performance boost.

by Arun Kumar
overclocking odroid n2+

As a passionate tinkerer, I have always been drawn to the world of single-board computers (SBCs). These little devices pack a punch when it comes to performance, versatility, and affordability. One such popular SBC is the Odroid N2+, which boasts an impressive set of features for its size.

Recently, I decided to try my hand at overclocking this little beast, and I’d like to share my experiences with you. In this blog post, we’ll explore the risks and rewards of overclocking the Odroid N2+, along with some personal insights and opinions from my journey.

The Odroid N2+ and Its Appeal

The Odroid N2+ is a powerful SBC that has gained popularity among DIY enthusiasts for its impressive specifications and affordable price tag. It comes equipped with an Amlogic S922X processor, a hexa-core CPU with four Cortex-A73 cores, and two Cortex-A53 cores. It also features up to 4GB of DDR4 RAM, making it a capable device for a variety of applications.

Personally, I have been using my Odroid N2+ as a media center and retro gaming console, and it has performed exceptionally well. The N2+ also supports Android and several Linux distributions, which adds to its appeal.

The Allure of Overclocking

Overclocking is the process of pushing a device’s hardware beyond its factory specifications, essentially increasing its performance. This can be particularly enticing for SBC enthusiasts, as it allows for even better performance at a relatively low cost.

Before I decided to overclock my Odroid N2+, I did some research and discovered that many users had successfully pushed their N2+ beyond its stock specifications. This piqued my interest, and I decided to give it a shot. I should note that I have always been a bit of a risk-taker when it comes to technology, and the prospect of squeezing even more power out of my beloved N2+ was too tempting to resist.

The Risks of Overclocking

Overclocking is not without risks, and pushing the Odroid N2+ beyond its specifications can lead to several issues:

  • Reduced Lifespan: Overclocking generates additional heat, which can cause the components to wear out more quickly.
  • Voided Warranty: Overclocking typically voids the manufacturer’s warranty, leaving you without recourse should something go wrong.
  • Stability Issues: Overclocking can cause system instability, resulting in crashes or freezes.
  • Potential Damage: In extreme cases, overclocking can cause permanent damage to the device.

Despite these risks, I was confident in my ability to safely overclock my N2+ by taking precautions such as proper cooling and voltage management.

The Rewards of Overclocking the Odroid N2+

My overclocking journey began by carefully increasing the CPU clock frequency and monitoring the temperature and performance. I also made sure to use an adequate cooling solution to prevent overheating. After several trial and error sessions, I was able to increase the CPU frequency from 2.2 GHz to 2.4 GHz while maintaining stability and acceptable temperatures. I have given a guide below on the approach I used.

The results were noticeable: I experienced a significant performance boost, particularly when running emulated games and using resource-intensive applications. This extra power transformed my Odroid N2+ into an even more capable device, giving me the performance I craved.

How I overclocked my Odroid N2+?

I’ll walk you through the steps I took to overclock my Odroid N2+ from 2.2 GHz to 2.4 GHz while maintaining stability and acceptable temperatures.

Step 1: Research and Preparation

Before I began overclocking, I spent a considerable amount of time researching the process and gathering information from the Odroid community. I found helpful resources on the Odroid forums, where experienced users shared their insights and overclocking experiences. I also made sure to have the necessary tools and equipment, such as thermal paste, heatsinks, and a cooling fan.

Step 2: Backup Your System

Before making any changes to your Odroid N2+, it’s essential to create a backup of your current system in case something goes wrong. I used a backup tool available on my preferred Linux distribution to create a system image, ensuring that I had a safety net in place.

Step 3: Update the Boot Configuration

To adjust the CPU frequency, I modified the boot configuration file (boot.ini) on my Odroid N2+ as follows:

First, connect to your Odroid N2+ via SSH or access its terminal if you are using it with a display and keyboard.

Navigate to the directory containing the boot.ini file. For most Linux distributions, the file is located in the /boot directory. Enter the following command to navigate there:

cd /boot

Make a backup of the original boot.ini file using the following command:

sudo cp boot.ini boot.ini.bak

Open the boot.ini file using a text editor. For this example, I’ll use the nano text editor:

sudo nano boot.ini

Once you have the boot.ini file open, search for the lines containing “max_freq_a73” and “max_freq_a53.” These lines represent the maximum frequencies for the Cortex-A73 and Cortex-A53 cores, respectively. The default values are usually:


To increase the CPU frequency, modify these values. For example, if you want to increase the Cortex-A73 core frequency to 2.4 GHz and the Cortex-A53 core frequency to 2.1 GHz, change the values to:


Save the changes and exit the text editor. If you’re using nano, press Ctrl + X, then press Y to confirm the changes, and finally, press Enter to exit.

Reboot your Odroid N2+ for the changes to take effect:

sudo reboot

After the Odroid N2+ reboots, it will apply the new CPU frequencies you specified in the boot.ini file.

Step 4: Monitor System Stability and Temperatures

After adjusting the CPU frequencies, I saved the boot.ini file and rebooted my Odroid N2+. I then closely monitored the system stability and temperatures, using tools like “htop” to check CPU usage and the built-in temperature sensor to monitor temperatures.

Step 5: Stress Testing

To ensure my new settings were stable, I performed stress tests using tools like “stress-ng” to simulate high CPU loads. I monitored the system during the tests, checking for any signs of instability, such as crashes or excessive heat generation.

Step 6: Fine-tuning and Cooling

During the overclocking process, I had to experiment with different frequency increments and voltage adjustments to find the perfect balance between performance and stability. I also made sure to use an adequate cooling solution (heatsinks and a cooling fan) to prevent overheating and maintain acceptable temperatures.

Once I achieved stable performance at 2.4 GHz with manageable temperatures, I was satisfied with the overclocking results. Remember that each device may have slightly different results due to variations in manufacturing, so it’s essential to be patient and cautious during the overclocking process.

That’s a brief overview of the steps I took to overclock my Odroid N2+ from 2.2 GHz to 2.4 GHz. I hope you find this information helpful, and good luck with your overclocking adventures!

Best Practices for Overclocking the Odroid N2+

Overclocking can be an exciting way to enhance the performance of your Odroid N2+, but it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure the process is safe and efficient. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when overclocking your Odroid N2+.

Do Your Research

Before attempting to overclock your N2+, gather as much information as possible from reliable sources. Consult the Odroid forums, read blog posts from experienced users, and learn from others’ experiences. Understanding the process and potential issues will help you make informed decisions and minimize risks.

Backup Your System

Always create a backup of your system before making any changes to your Odroid N2+. This will ensure you have a fallback option if something goes wrong during the overclocking process. You can use a backup tool available on your preferred Linux distribution or Android to create a system image.

Monitor Temperatures and System Stability

Keep a close eye on your system’s temperatures and stability when overclocking. Use monitoring tools such as “htop” for checking CPU usage and built-in temperature sensors to keep track of temperatures. If you notice any signs of instability or excessive heat, dial back the overclocking settings or improve your cooling solution.

Use an Adequate Cooling Solution

Effective cooling is critical when overclocking your Odroid N2+. Heatsinks and cooling fans can help dissipate heat generated by the increased CPU frequencies. An inadequate cooling solution can lead to reduced component lifespan, instability, and even permanent damage.

Incremental Changes and Testing

Make incremental changes to the CPU frequencies and test the system thoroughly before moving on to higher frequencies. This will help you find the sweet spot between performance and stability. Perform stress tests using tools like “stress-ng” to simulate high CPU loads and ensure the stability of your new settings.

Know When to Stop

While it’s tempting to push your Odroid N2+ to its absolute limits, recognize when it’s time to stop. If you’re experiencing instability, crashes, or excessive temperatures, it may be best to revert to lower frequencies. Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between performance and long-term reliability.

Stay Within the Community-Recommended Limits

When overclocking, it’s wise to stay within the limits recommended by the Odroid community. While some users may push their devices to extremes, sticking to community-recommended limits will help you avoid potential damage and maintain system stability.

By following these best practices, you can maximize the benefits of overclocking your Odroid N2+ while minimizing potential risks. Enjoy the process, and may your Odroid N2+ perform even better than before!

My Final Thoughts

Overclocking the Odroid N2+ is a double-edged sword; while it offers the potential for increased performance, it also comes with risks that could negatively impact the device. In my experience, the rewards outweighed the risks, and I was able to enjoy a more powerful and capable N2+ as a result.

However, I must emphasize that overclocking is not for everyone. If you are not comfortable with the potential risks and have limited experience with hardware modification, it’s best to stick with the stock configuration. I also recommend that you thoroughly research the process and follow community guidelines to minimize the chances of damaging your device.

Overclocking the Odroid N2+ can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor for those who are willing to take the risks and put in the time and effort to ensure a safe and stable setup. The performance gains can be substantial, but it’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the risks before diving in.

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