Want to install and run Android on your Raspberry Pi? Here’s how to do it – and why you need to try Android in the first place. The Raspberry Pi is one of the most popular Small Board Computers (SBC) used in many different ways by many other people. We have seen many operating systems available for the Raspberry Pi …
Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar
Arun Kumar is a computer engineering graduate with a passion for writing about all things tech. In his spare time, he loves sharing his knowledge and experience with others through his writing on ChromeReady. As a daily Linux user, Arun enjoys experimenting with different distros on VirtualBox and recently acquired a Chromebook to explore the evolving world of this exciting operating system. With a desire to share his learnings with others, he is committed to providing insightful and informative content to help readers get the most out of their devices. When he's not blogging, Arun enjoys staying active and can often be found swimming or playing tennis. With a passion for technology and a dedication to sharing his insights, Arun is a valuable asset to the tech writing community.
In our post – 20 Best Operating Systems you can run on your Raspberry Pi, OSMC was listed as the second-best. This post will give you a step by step guide on installing OSMC on your Raspberry Pi board. OSMC (Open Source Media Center) is a media player that enables you to play media files (pictures, audio, and Video) from …
One of the best ways to access the Raspberry Pi over a network on your PC is by remote access- commonly referred to as Remote Desktop Access. There are several applications that you can use to get Remote Desktop Access. They include Team viewer, AnyDesk, VNC, Windows Remote Desktop, and many more.
The Raspberry Pi is one of the most common SBC (Small Board Computer). You can use it to learn computer programming, carry out your hardware projects, set it up as a full Desktop computer, use it as NAS (Network Attached Storage), and so much more. The only limitation of these small devices is the lack of a monitor. Even though …
If you have lots of media files, documents, and such, there is a high probability they are just lying somewhere on a hard drive. To make these files accessible and secure at all times, you will require to dig deep and get yourself a good Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution. There are many NAS solutions available, but these devices can be …